Moral Shadows

What’s the difference 

Between killing and letting die?  

Is it your silence, 

Or your shadow trailing your feet?

Is it the moral license you invoke, 

To walk past me on the street?

Your shadow casts its judgment,

You reach for it on the pavement,

I know you want to hear its praise.

But your fingers tremble

When they’re about to graze the ground.

If I feel beyond pure reason,

I know you’ll think me heedless

And female when I betray your moral law.

You may condemn me,

I know you like your conscience clean. 

But if I’m bleeding, 

and you refuse to meet my gaze, 

then you can keep your duty.


Diana is an undergraduate at Harvard studying philosophy as a member of the Class of 2026.


Living a Life of Meaning: Heidegger’s Suggestion


After Beyond Good and Evil