After Beyond Good and Evil

Nietzsche once likened Truth

To a woman—But Truth, veiled behind a corporality where

words do not reach, in a time before things had Names—

Would she heed my poem, the uncrystallized syllables of my love so

fragile that to speak is to shatter it?

I am no warrior. No blonde

Beast, and if the lightness of being was not so

Unbearable, I would have waltzed across the tightrope

Over the abyss, the one between man and Overman to

Sway her with a litany of lies, lullabies that

Resound like commandments—

“Speaking is a fine madness;

with it man dances above all things.”


Andy (Yueqi) Zeng graduated from Harvard in 2024 and now pursues a M.A. as a Schwarzman Scholar at Tsinghua. During his time at Harvard, Andy dedicated himself to bridging Eastern and Western thought, drawing on his roles as President of the Harvard College China Forum and content director for Zeitgeist. A devotee of Maurice Blanchot, Andy lives by the words of Melville's Bartleby the Scrivener: "I would prefer not to."


Moral Shadows


An Ontology of Art’s Ambiguity